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Book a Ticket

The audience is a major element of this staging.  We want the actor to feel trapped, the same way Nassim was.  So we are making it stunningly easy for you to see the play.  Just show up and pay what you can (suggested donation: 300NT).

But there are only 60 actual seats.  To reserve yourself a seat, you will need to purchase a Golden Rabbit All-Festival Pass.

Each performance will be stagger-seated by priority of Golden Rabbits, then Read Rabbits (those that have experienced at least 1 performance, the more you see, the better vantage point you'll have), then White Rabbits, the un-indoctrinated.

In any theatre production you've ever attended, the actors have had ample rehearsal time.  Not this time.  After seeing the play once, you as an audience member will have the advantage of knowing what's coming next.  The joy of this festival will be in seeing how each performer interprets the script in his/her own way.  Never before, in the long, storied history of the theatre, have the tables been so turned.  Not since the first breaking of the fourth wall has the dynamic between actor and audience been so flipped. Only history will know if this unique concept will be accepted into the Theatre Geek Hall of Fame, but don't you want to be able to say, "Ya...I was there."

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.  To reserve a seat for any or all performances, please use this section.



All Access Festival Pass grants you Priority Seating for all 8 Performances.  This is the only way to guarantee yourself a seat.  There are only 24 GRPs remaining. Please contact Stewart at with Golden Rabbit Pass in the subject line if you wish to purchase 1 or more passes. You can also call him at 0912-910-500.

All Festival Pass:  1500NT


Have your advertisement on this site, our poster, and get special mention in our pre-performance chats. All while supporting English Arts in Taiwan. Oh, and you get 10 Golden Rabbit passes to distribute as you see fit.

Corporate Sponsorship:  15,000NT



You are now read in.  You now know what the actor challenges are.  You have flipped the actor-audience dynamic. You will be given a Rabbit stamp for each time you see a performer.  These are rush seats only.  You will be admitted to the space only after The Golden Rabbits have been seated.  Your donation will be collected as you exit the space. Please pay what you can.  In order to give the actors the full experience, we want to pack the space with audience. He/she should feel claustrophobic with audience surrounding him/her on all sides.  To that end, you can attend for free if budget constraints so indicate. But please attend as many performances as you can. This only works if we pack people into the space.

Suggested Donation: 300NT

WHITE RABBITS (The Un-Indoctrinated)

You are a first time viewer of this play.  You must avoid all other Rabbits.  Don't worry, they won't talk to you until you've been "read" in. White Rabbits are the last ones admitted to the space.
Suggested Donation: 300NT


Golden Rabbit All-Festival Pass

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