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作家相片Infinity Key

未來就在現在 The Future is Now


by Stewart Glen

Translated by Anna Liang

The English version is below. ⬇⬇



台灣的家長面對線上的課程似乎有一些疑慮,我們完全可以理解為什麼家長想限制孩子使用電腦(或平板)的時間。然而,若這「用電腦的時間」是拿來學習的,這個「時間」能換來極高的英語學習效率。 透過擁抱科技, 你的孩子可以迅速達到你所有想像得到的英文成功,同時發展 電腦、整合、研究、打字(甚至打訊息)以及溝通的技巧。




當然,精進打字的技巧只是一個使用 Infinity Key 訓練系統的附加價值,我們主要的目標是要幫助大家達到擁有使用英語的全面信心與能力





Google 雲端最棒的地方就是它的共享功能,在玩家們能主動使用白板的同時,我們也會幫家長們打開瀏覽的權限。

Google 雲端硬碟

在我們訓練玩家們達到英文成功的旅程中,他們不只能增進使用 Microsoft Word 的技巧,他們也會學習到如何使用試算表與表單,當他們上高中、大學時能累積更多 Microsoft Office的知識與能力,不難想像他們將能多迅速與專業地完成他們的各項作業。

線上課程 vs 實體課程


Infinity Key可以透過實體課堂訓練,但是我們仍然會用互動式白板,所以筆電是必須的工具,有些遊戲玩家們透過手機也能玩唷!如果教室有投影機與很訊號很好的 WiFi ,我們即可用實體課程的方式進行訓練。

ZOOM 視訊會議室

你有聽過 Skype嗎? 簡單的來說ZOOM是升級版的 Skype,它有視訊會議、分享螢幕、遠端操作以及許多其他的功能,它是一個使用、下載都非常容易的程式。

因為它的便利性,以我們才會建議以線上課程取代實體課程,它真的能讓你享受到完整的Infinity Key體驗。

Infinity Key的遊戲能帶著玩家 超越一般台灣人的英文程度,達到一個完全自信的狀態,讓你無論何時何地都能自然且自信地使用英文。如果你願意,請讓我們幫助你,和我們約一堂線上的體驗課程,親身體驗看看Infinity Key的線上訓練是否適合你和你的家人。


Kids, English and Technology

Dear Parents of Taiwanese Children aged 12 and up, There seems to be some resistance on the part of Taiwanese parents about online classes. It is completely understandable that parents would want to limit screen time for their kids, however, if that “time” is being spent learning, using computers are a far more efficient means to the ends. By embracing technology, your kids can develop computing, organizational, research, keyboarding/texting and communication skills as well as rapid English success.

The Keyboard:

Put down those pencil cases and sit down at a keyboard. Take notes and do exercises with a keyboard. Learn to type faster and faster. Develop proficiency on mobile phone keyboards as well as desk/laptop ones. The sooner keyboards are folded into the learning process, the better. All our training exercises (XPs) are done with a keyboard. The keyboard plays a vital role in all we do now. There are limitless applications one can learn and the sooner one begins, the sooner one can explore and master the myriad possibilities. Of course, keyboard skills are just a by-product of Infinity Key Training. Our main product remains and always will be English Confidence.

Shared, Interactive Whiteboards:

All players(students) of our game(exercises) conduct their game play on a personalized GDIW (Google-Driven Interactive Whiteboard). This allows each player to archive all the experiences they will have during the game as well as share it with their coach for feedback. GDIWs also allow the Coach to link to anything on the internet that he/she may feel benefits their players. The ability to insert pictures, videos, links into the whiteboard alone proves the thesis that an Interactive Whiteboard should be a standard tool used in the training of any language.


All our whiteboards can be shared with parents/administrators as well.

One of Google Drive’s best features is the collaborations it allows. While each player can actively using the GDIW at the same time, view only privileges can be granted to parents for monitoring purposes.

Google Drive:

Office apps proficiency is yet another byproduct of our training games. Emphasis is and will always be on English success. Not only will the players develop Word Document Skills, they will also be using spreadsheets and forms. Send a kid to High School and University with a better than working knowledge of Microsoft Office and just imagine how efficiently and professionally they will get their assignments completed.

OnLine vs In-Class Training:

By this point in the narrative, it is hoped that you not only accept the need for digitizing the classroom, but are willing to embrace it because the next part is going to be a really big paradigm shift. Infinity Key can do in class training, but we would still be using the GDIW. To a certain degree, the players can use their phones, but there will be instances where a laptop is required. If the classroom has great wifi and a digital projector AND each player has a laptop, we are happy to visit you in person.

ZOOM Rooms:

You’ve heard of Skype, but have you heard of Zoom? Simply, it is next generation Skype. It allows for Video Conferencing, Screen Sharing, Computer Take-over and many other features. It is easy to use and a simple download away. Given how easy it is to use, we recommend foregoing the classroom setting and join us in a Zoom Room. It really brings the entire Infinity Key Experience together. The Infinity Game takes its players beyond the standard of Taiwanese English proficiency into realms of complete confidence to use English anywhere, anytime. We want to help you, but it’s best to meet us online. It really smooths out the process. Come meet us and let us show you why Infinity Key OnLine Training is right for you and your family. If you would like a free demo of The Infinity Key Method, please contact us by filling out this form.

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