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The Infinity Key Mission
To empower students to confidently master English through innovative experiential learningtechniques, blending the arts of performance and storytelling with
personalized coaching.
We are committed to transforming language education into an engaging, effective, and inspiring journey that fosters real-world communication skills, personal growth, and lifelong learning.

Welcome to Infinity Key
來自 Stew 教練的個人訊息
如果你是一名大學生,希望實現留學海外的夢想,但只差需要通過國際認可英文檢定測驗,你來對地方了。你好,歡迎來到 Infinity Key!我是 Stew 教練,很高興能與你分享我的願景。
With warm regards,
Coach Stew
Coach Stew often encourages me not to fear making mistakes, which he believes is a major hurdle for English learners in Taiwan.
Infinity Key changed the way I learn English.
I am actually loving the process of listening to Ted Talk podcasts for Ear Yoga practice.
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